引用本文:赵西,温崇荣,李金金. 控制冷凝法对烟气中三氧化硫冷凝分离效率研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(6): 23-29, 38.
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目的 研究不同操作参数和烟气工况对控制冷凝法分离烟气中SO3效率的影响,以避免因烟气中SO3质量浓度过高导致装置腐蚀穿孔并产生高盐污水。方法 利用自主研发的烟气中SO3控制冷凝效率评价装置研究了不同操作参数和烟气工况对烟气中SO3冷凝分离效率的影响。结果 烟气流量和烟气中SO3质量浓度变化对SO3冷凝分离效率有明显影响,冷凝系统末端引入石英过滤棉可以明显地消除烟气中SO3质量浓度变化对SO3冷凝分离效率的影响。在烟气取样管路的温度高于酸雾露点并且冷凝管温度介于酸雾露点和水蒸气露点之间时,烟气取样管路保温温度、冷凝管温度变化对烟气中SO3冷凝分离效率几乎没有影响。烟气中SO2质量浓度变化对烟气中SO3冷凝分离效率几乎没有影响。结论 建立的SO3冷凝分离方法对烟气中SO3的分离效率大于95%。 
关键词:  烟气  SO3  酸雾  控制冷凝法 
Study on condensation separation efficiency of sulfur trioxide in flue gas by controlled condensation method
Zhao Xi1,2, Wen Chongrong1,2, Li Jinjin1,2
1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil &Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. National Energy R&D Center of High Sulfur Gas Exploitation, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective The effects of different operating parameters and flue gas conditions on the separation efficiency of sulfur trioxide in flue gas by controlled condensation method (CCM) were studied to avoid the corrosion perforation of the device and the generation of high-salt sewage due to the high mass concentration of sulfur trioxide in flue gas. Methods The effects of different operating parameters and flue gas conditions on the condensation separation efficiency of sulfur trioxide in flue gas were studied by using the self-developed sulfur trioxide in flue gas control condensation efficiency evaluation device. Results The change of flue gas flow rate and sulfur trioxide mass concentration in flue gas had a significant effect on the condensation separation efficiency of sulfur trioxide. The introduction of quartz filter cotton at the end of the condensation system could obviously eliminate the influence of sulfur trioxide mass concentration change in flue gas on the condensation separation efficiency of sulfur trioxide. When the temperature of the flue gas sampling pipeline was higher than the dew point of the acid mist and the temperature of the condensation pipe was between the dew point of the acid mist and the dew point of the water vapor, the holding temperature of the flue gas sampling pipeline and the temperature change of the condensation pipe had little effect on the condensation separation efficiency of sulfur trioxide in the flue gas. The change of sulfur dioxide mass concentration in flue gas has little effect on the condensation separation efficiency of sulfur trioxide in flue gas. Conclusion According to the established sulfur trioxide condensation separation method, the separation efficiency for sulfur trioxide is greater than 95%.
Key words:  flue gas  sulfur trioxide  acid mist  controlled condensation method