引用本文:韩龙年,王连英,杨国明,张海洪,朱元宝,陈禹霏. 加氢试验装置反应器压差异常升高的原因分析及对策[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(6): 30-38.
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目的 分析加氢评价试验时反应器压差频繁出现异常升高的原因并提出对策。方法 采用X射线荧光光谱仪(XRF)、等离子体光谱仪(ICP-OES)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)等先进的仪器表征和油品分析方法,对泥状物、原料油和催化剂进行分析。结果 ①催化剂床层顶部充满泥状物且严重时导致催化剂结块是压差异常升高的直接原因;②泥状物中含大量Zn和Fe等元素;③镀锌铁桶贮存直馏煤柴油馏分时污染严重,尤其是酸值高、运动黏度低的环烷基直馏柴油馏分,短期内Zn质量分数超过100 μg/g,是压差异常升高的根本原因。结论 ①对不同的石油馏分,取样时应选用合适的贮存容器;②对受污染的油品,应及时更换贮存容器,且在评价试验时设置独立的加氢保护段和脱金属段;③应特别重视含酸原油及其馏分在加工过程中的腐蚀防护,尤其是环烷基高酸原油及其馏分。 
关键词:  加氢试验装置  反应器压差  异常升高  催化剂  结块 
Causes analysis and countermeasures for the abnormal rise of reactor pressure difference in hydrogenation test unit
Han Longnian, Wang Lianying, Yang Guoming, Zhang Haihong, Zhu Yuanbao, Chen Yufei
CNOOC Institute of Chemicals and Advanced Materials, Beijing, China
Objective The aim is to analyze the causes for the frequent abnormal rise of reactor pressure difference during hydrogenation evaluation test and put forward countermeasures. Methods X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF), plasma spectrometer (ICP-OES), X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and other advanced instrument characterization and oil analysis methods were used to analyze the mud, raw oil and catalyst. Results (1) The top of the catalyst bed was full of mud, and the catalyst agglomerated in severe cases, which was the direct cause for the abnormal rise of pressure difference. (2) The mud was rich in elements such as Zn and Fe. (3) The pollution was more serious when the straight-run kerosene or diesel was stored in galvanized iron barrel, especially for the naphthenic straight-run diesel with high acid value and low viscosity, and the Zn mass fraction exceeded 100 μg/g in short time, which was the fundamental cause for the abnormal rise of reactor pressure difference. Conclusion s(1) For different petroleum fractions, suitable storage containers should be selected for sampling. (2) The storage container should be replaced in time and the independent hydrogenation protection section, demetallization section should be set for contaminated oil products during the evaluation test. (3) Special attention should be paid to the corrosion protection of acid-containing crude oil and its fractions during processing, especially naphthenic high-acid crude oil and its distillate.
Key words:  hydrogenation test unit  reactor pressure difference  abnormal rise  catalyst  agglomeration