引用本文:袁增,何志强,谭红,喻璐,段华美,郑淞铭,等. 气田水资源含量分布特征及提取前景——以川东地区气田水锶和溴资源为例[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(1): 69-76.
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气田水主要来源于在油气生产作业中所产出的地层伴生水,具有类型众多、矿化度高、污染成分复杂的特点。通过对川东地区气田水进行取样检测分析,发现石炭系层位中蕴含丰富的矿物资源,如锶(最高达814 mg/L)、溴(最高达717 mg/L)等资源远高于柴达木盆地盐湖卤水、海水等水体中锶和溴资源含量。且目前中国锶矿、溴素都存在着进口需求高、供不应求的局面。通过阐明锶、溴回收技术并评估潜在开采的初步经济可行性,发现其具有较大的开发利用前景。该研究旨在为川东地区气田水中锶、溴资源的提取提供科学依据和指导,为更好地实现油气田可持续发展和资源化利用奠定基础。 
关键词:  川东地区  气田水  锶资源  溴资源  石炭系  资源化利用 
Distribution characterization and extraction prospects of resources in gas produced water: Strontium and bromine resources in gas produced water in the Eastern Sichuan area as an example
YUAN Zeng1,2, HE Zhiqiang2, TAN Hong2, YU Lu2, DUAN Huamei1, ZHENG Songming1, XU Shuang1
1. College of Material Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China;2. Chongqing Gas District of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing, China
Gas produced water is originated from formation associated water produced during oil and gas production operations, which is characterized by numerous types, high mineralization and complex pollution components. Through sampling, testing and analyzing gas produced water in the Eastern Sichuan area, it is found that the carboniferous formation is rich in mineral resources, such as strontium (up to 814 mg/L), bromine (up to 717 mg/L), which is much higher than the content in the brine of Qaidam Basin salt lakes or seawater. And currently, China's strontium ore and bromine are in a situation of high import demand and supply shortage. By clarifying the strontium and bromine recovery techniques and evaluating the preliminary economic feasibility of potential mining, it is found that there are significant prospects of development and utilization. This study aims to provide scientific basis for the extraction of strontium and bromine resources in gas produced water in the Eastern Sichuan area and to establish the foundation for better sustainable development and resource utilization of oil and gas fields.
Key words:  Eastern Sichuan area  gas produced water  strontium resource  bromine resource  Carboniferous  resource utilization