引用本文:万捷,林睿,葛芸芸,戴波,陈贤,黄申,等. Kenics型静态混合器对含水原油均质化效果影响数值模拟[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(1): 83-89.
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1.中国石油新疆油田公司王家沟油气储运中心 ;2.中国石油新疆油田公司;3.西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院
目的 针对含水原油在输送过程中水分分布不均匀或大量聚集的现象,将Kenics静态混合器引入到含水原油输送过程中,并对其均质化效果进行分析。方法 采用FLUENT软件对管道内流场进行模拟,并用变异系数和液滴平均粒径对均质化效果进行评价,分析了混合单元排列方式、扭角、长径比和数量对均质化效果的影响。结果 使用排列方式为异向叉排、扭角为240°、长径比为0.5、数量为10个的Kenics静态混合器不仅能使油水两相分布均匀,还能获得更小的液滴平均粒径,从而实现更好的均质化效果。结论 排列方式为异向叉排时均质化效果最好;随着扭角的增大,管线出口的变异系数和液滴平均粒径呈下降趋势;随着长径比的减小和数量的增多,出口的变异系数值趋于相同,但能获得更小的液滴平均粒径。通过均质化处理后,可以使取样样本更加准确地体现储罐原油的含水率,避免造成油品交接纠纷,保证油品外输任务的完成。 
关键词:  Kenics  静态混合器  均质化  数值模拟  含水原油 
Numerical simulation of the effect of kenics type static mixer on the homogenization effect of water-cut crude oil
WAN Jie1, LIN Rui1, GE Yunyun1, DAI Bo1, CHEN Xian2, HUANG Shen3, WANG Lidong3, LIU Enbin3
1. Wangjiagou Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Center of PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Wulumuqi, Xinjiang, China;2. PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Wulumuqi, Xinjiang, China;3. Petroleum Engineering School, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective Aiming at the phenomenon of uneven distribution or large accumulation of water in the transportation process of water-cut crude oil, the Kenics static mixer was introduced into the transportation process of water-cut oil, and the homogenization effect was analyzed. Methods FLUENT software was used to simulate the flow field inside the pipeline, and the homogenization effect was evaluated by coefficient of variation and average droplet size. The effects of mixing unit arrangement, twist angle, aspect ratio, and quantity on the homogenization effect were analyzed. Results The use of Kenics static mixers with staggered arrangement, twist angle of 240°, length to diameter ratio of 0.5, and number of 10 can not only achieve uniform distribution of the oil-water phase, but also achieve smaller average droplet size, thereby achieving better homogenization effect. Conclusion sThe best homogenization effect was achieved when the arrangement method was opposite and staggered. With the increase of torsion angle, the variation coefficient at the pipeline outlet and the average droplet size show a downward trend. With the decrease of aspect ratio and the increase of quantity, the coefficient of variation values at the outlet tend to be the same, but smaller average droplet sizes can be obtained. After homogenization treatment, the samples can more accurately reflect the water content of the crude oil in the storage tank, avoid disputes over oil handover, and ensure the completion of the oil export task.
Key words:  Kenics  static mixer  homogenization  numerical simulation  water-cut crude oil