引用本文:李澜旭,黄守清. 克劳斯分流-直接氧化组合工艺的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(4): 28-35.
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目的 提高中国石化川西气田X号脱硫站总硫回收率,确保尾气排放达标。方法 考查克劳斯分流-直接氧化组合工艺在X号脱硫站的实际应用情况,对比其与常规克劳斯工艺的区别与优势,并通过列举现场生产数据及计算总硫回收率的方法进行验证。结果 ①克劳斯分流-直接氧化组合工艺的总硫回收率达到98%以上,比常规工艺提升了2~3个百分点;②碱洗后排放尾气中SO2质量浓度<1 mg/m3,可满足GB 39728—2020《陆上石油天然气开采工业大气污染物排放标准》中规定的排放尾气中SO2质量浓度≤400 mg/m3的要求;③年产硫磺1.1×104 t,硫磺品质达到GB 2449.2—2015《工业硫磺 第2部分:液体产品》规定的一等品质量标准。结论 中国石化自主研发的专利技术克劳斯分流与直接氧化组合工艺有效提升了装置总硫回收率及环保效果,可实现尾气达标排放,确保装置的长周期高效、环保运行。
关键词:  川西气田  硫磺回收  尾气  达标排放  克劳斯分流  直接氧化
Application of Claus shunt-direct oxidation combined process
Lanxu LI, Shouqing HUANG
Sinopec Chuanxi Natural Gas Exploration and Development Co., Ltd., Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective The aim is to improve the total sulfur recovery rate of No. X desulfurization station in the Western Sichuan Gas Field of Sinopec, and to ensure that the tail gas meets the emission standards. Methods This article examined the application of the combined process of Claus shunt and direct oxidation in No. X desulfurization station, compared its differences and advantages with the conventional Claus process, and verified it by listing on-site production data and calculating the total sulfur recovery rate.Results Firstly, the total sulfur recovery rate of the combined process of Claus shunt and direct oxidation was more than 98%, which was 2%-3% higher than that of the conventional process. Secondly, the mass concentration of SO2 in the tail gas after alkali washing was less than 1 mg/m3, which could meet the requirement of SO2 mass concentration equal or less than 400 mg/m3 in the tail gas specified in GB 39728—2020 Emission standard of air pollutants for onshore oil and gas exploitation and production industry. Thirdly, the annual production of sulfur was 1.1×104 t, and the sulfur quality met the first-class product quality standard specified in GB 2449.2—2015 Sulphur for industrial use—Part 2: Liquid product. Conclusion The patented technology independently developed by Sinopec, the Claus shunt and direct oxidation combination process, effectively improved the total sulfur recovery rate and environmental protection effect of the unit, realized the standard emission of tail gas, and ensured the long-term efficient and environmentally friendly operation of the unit.
Key words:  Western Sichuan Gas Field  sulfur recovery  tail gas  up-to-standard emission  Claus shunt  direct oxidation