引用本文:吴冰倩,黄钰杰,张煜,李福顺. 氢气纯化过程能量分析与工艺优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(4): 57-61.
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目的 在氢气纯化体系中,为分析过程能量,考查原料气中氧气摩尔分数变化对氢氧反应放热量和反应器温度的影响。方法 采用模型计算的方法,计算电加热器能耗和冷却器消耗的冷量,进而对工艺流程做出优化。据此提出新型换热再生气体纯化流程,分析氧气摩尔分数和物流流量对体系温度的影响。结果 当氧气摩尔分数大于0.13%时,才能满足体系的供热需要。新型换热再生气体纯化流程与原有流程比较可节约88%以上的冷量,且不需要电加热即可维持体系运行温度。结论 新型换热再生气体纯化流程可充分利用氢氧反应放出的热量为冷物流加热,从而实现节约电能耗和冷量、降低运行成本的目的。
关键词:  氢气纯化  模型计算  节能  氢能
Energy analysis and process optimization of hydrogen purification process
Bingqian WU1,2, Yujie HUANG1,2, Yu ZHANG2, Fushun LI1,2
1.The 718th Research Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited, Handan, Hebei, China;2.PERIC Hydrogen Technologies Corporation Limited, Handan, Hebei, China
Objective In the hydrogen purification system, in order to analyze the process energy, the influence of oxygen mole fraction in feedstock on heat release from hydrogen-oxygen reaction and reactor temperature was investigated. Method The energy consumption of the electric heater and the amount of cold consumed by the cooler were further calculated by the method of model calculation to enable the optimization of the process flow. Based on this, a new purification process of heat exchange regeneration gas was proposed, and the effects of oxygen mole fraction and logistics flow on system temperature were analyzed. Results The heating can meet the energy requirements only when the oxygen mole fraction is above 0.13%. Compared with the original process, the new heat exchange regeneration gas purification process can save more than 88% of the cooling capacity, and the operating temperature of the system can be maintained without electric heating. Conclusion The new heat exchange regeneration gas purification process can fully use the heat released by the hydrogen and oxygen reaction to heat the cold flow, save the electricity energy consumption and cooling capacity, and reduce operating costs.
Key words:  hydrogen purification  model calculation  energy conservation  hydrogen energy