引用本文:杜代军,李金涛,蒲万芬,赵金洲,熊颖. CO2干法压裂用支化硅氧烷及含氟聚合物类增稠剂研究现状与应用进展[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(4): 62-72.
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关键词:  干法压裂  超临界CO2  增稠剂  压裂液
Research status and application progress of branched siloxane and fluorine-containing polymer thickeners for dry fracturing of carbon dioxide
Daijun DU1,2, Jintao LI1,2, Wanfen PU1,2, Jinzhou ZHAO1,2, Ying XIONG3
1.State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2.School of Petroleum & Gas Engineering of Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;3.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
CO2 dry fracturing technology, as a new waterless fracturing technique, has become an important research direction in tight oil and gas development in recent years. However, based on literature research, it is found that CO2 dry fracturing technology is not yet mature, mainly due to the low viscosity of liquid carbon dioxide or supercritical CO2 , which leads to significant fluid loss and poor proppant carrying capacity. It requires thickening agents to significantly increase the viscosity of CO2. Considering the limitations of silicone-based thickeners that require a large amount of co-solvent and other thickeners with unsatisfactory thickening effects, as well as poor temperature and pressure adaptability, this paper provides an overview of the research progress on thickeners for CO2 fracturing fluids, focusing on branched silicone-based thickeners (with little or no co-solvent) and fluorinated thickeners from the perspectives of thickening mechanisms and thickening characteristics. In the thickening characteristics section, the structural and performance characteristics of these two types of thickeners are summarized. Additionally, the paper reviews the application of liquid CO2 and supercritical CO2 dry fracturing technology in China. Finally, the future research directions for CO2 thickeners and fracturing fluid systems in dry fracturing, including thickening mechanisms, thickening performance, and field applications, are discussed.
Key words:  dry fracturing  supercritical CO2  thickener  fracturing fluid