引用本文:何刚. 铜系甲醇合成催化剂研究开发现状及展望[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(1): 22-27,46,96.
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本文系统地介绍了我国甲醇合成催化剂的研究发展历程和取得的成就。我国甲醇工业起步于20世纪60年代的联醇生产工艺,当时使用的催化剂是高温高压ZnO-CuO-Cr2O3系合成催化剂,使用寿命很短,只有十几天到一个月。针对生产问题,南化集团研究院开发了两种新型的ZnO-CuO-A l2O3催化剂72-2和72-7型,后来又开发出今天仍在使用的C207型。在发展联醇工艺的同时,单醇工艺也开始发展,催化剂主要分为两个系列,即Cu-Zn-A l和Cu-Zn-A l-V系列;前者以南化集团研究院为代表的C207、C301、C301-1、NC501-1、C306和C307型,后者以西南化工研究院为代表的CNJ202、C302、C302-1、C302-2、CNJ206和XNC-98型。本文综述甲醇催化剂的发展历史,评述取得的成绩和不足,探索进一步发展的方向,为我国甲醇工业赶上世界先进水平提供借鉴。
关键词:  甲醇  合成催化剂  材料  进展
Status and Prospects of Copper-Based Methanol Synthesis Catalyst Research and Development
He Gang
College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,Jiangsu
This paper systematically introduces the development process and achievements of China’s methanol synthesis catalyst.China’s methanol industry started in the sixties of the united alcohol production process,when the catalyst as ZnO-CuO-Cr2O3 system was used in high temperature and high pressure,and its life was very short about 10 days to a month.For solving the production problems,the Research Institute of Nanjing Chemical Industrial Group had developed two new types of ZnO-CuO-Al2O3 catalysts as 72-2 and 72-7 type,and later developed the C207-type still in use today.In the development process at the same time,we also began to develop a single alcohol process.There were two series catalyst used in the single alcohol process,namely,Cu-Zn-Al and Cu-Zn-Al-V series;the former represented by Research Institute of Nanjing Chemical Industrial Group’s C207,C301,C301-1,NC501-1,C306 and C307 type,the latter represented by the Southwest Research & Design Institute of Chemical Industry’s CNJ202,C302,C302-1,C302-2,CNJ206 and XNC-98 type.This paper introduces the history of the development of methanol catalyst,reviews the achievements and shortcomings,and explores further development direction for China’s methanol industry to provide reference to catch up with the world advanced level.
Key words:  methanol  synthesis catalyst  materials  advance