引用本文:秦 冰,罗咏涛,李本高,雷 斌. 稠油油溶性降黏剂结构与性能的关系[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(5): 499-503.
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秦 冰, 罗咏涛, 李本高, 雷 斌
研究了塔河稠油沥青质含量与稠油粘度的关系。根据稠油中沥青质含量较高且极性较强,粘度主要是由沥青质聚集体引起的研究结果,针对超稠油特性研制了极性聚合物作为油溶性降黏剂主剂,表面活性剂作为助剂的复合配方。通过调控主剂分子结构中极性基团的比例来改变其极性的强弱,通过选择助剂适合的烷基碳链长度、芳香环数以及支化甲基数,达到协同增效的目的。结果 表明:当主剂极性大小适当,助剂结构适当时具有协同增效作用。复合降粘剂对塔河十区、十二区稠油降黏效果显著,加剂量质量分数0.5%时,降黏率大于30%,节约稀油率约35%
关键词:  稠油 降黏 表面活性剂 塔油河田
The relationship between structure and performance of oil-soluble viscosity reducer of heavy oil
Qin Bing, Luo Yongtao, Li Bengao, Lei Bin
Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, SINOPEC, Beijing 100083,China
The relation between asphaltene content and viscosity of heavy oil in Tahe Oilfield has been studied. The content of asphaltene with a strong polarity in heavy oil is high and the conglomeration of asphaltene causes heavy oil viscous. Aimed at the heavy oil feature, an oil-soluble viscosity reducer has been developed, in which the main ingredient is a kind of polar polymer, compounded with surfactant. The polarity of the polymer molecule has been tailored by adjusting the ratio of polar radicals. The surfactant with the optimal carbon chain length, aromatic ring number and branched methyl number has been selected, which improves the effect of viscosity reducer. The results show that the main ingredient with a proper polarity can be promoted by the assistant surfactant with a proper structure. The viscosity reducer has a remarkable effect on viscosity reduction for the heavy oil of Area 10 and Area 12 in Tahe Oilfield. While the adding mass fraction of agent is 0.5%, the viscosity reduction rate is higher than 30%, and the light oil reducing rate is about 35%.
Key words:  heavy oil, viscosity reduction, surfactant