引用本文:李劲,雷萌,唐浠. 对中低含硫天然气脱硫技术的认识[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(3): 227-233.
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中低含硫天然气脱硫技术目前主要包括:干法、络合铁法和生物法(正在大力开发中的)。相对于传统的(醇胺法脱硫+克劳斯法硫磺回收+尾气处理)工艺路线,它们具有净化度高,能耗较小,投资较少,环境友好等特点,可按不同工况广泛应用于边远分散气井所产天然气脱硫、醇胺法装置产生的酸气及克劳斯装置的尾气达标处理等的工艺领域。 
关键词:  潜硫量  生物脱硫  络合铁法  干法脱硫  氧化还原法 
Understanding of desulfurization technologies for medium and low H2S-bearing natural gas
Li Jin1,Lei Meng2,Tang Xi3
(1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213,Sichuan, China;2. Amu Darya River Project Department, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610051,Sichuan,China;3. Yinjin Branch of Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General,Chongqing 401236,China)
The medium and low H2S-bearing natural gas desulfurization technologies at present mainly include dry desulfurization, chelated iron process and biological desulphurization (being developed). Compared with the conventional process flow (i.e. alcohol-amine desulfurization, Claus sulfur recovery and tail gas treatment), these technologies have advantages such as high purification degree, relatively lower energy consumption, relatively lower investment, and environment-friendly, etc., and have been widely applied to desulfurization of natural gas produced from remote scattered gas wells, standard treatment sour gas from amine units and tail gas from Claus units, and other processes.
Key words:  potential sulfur content  biological desulphurization  chelated iron process  dry desulfurization  oxidation-reduction method