引用本文:唐金星,海玉芝,盛海燕,罗九明,皇海权. 耐温抗盐交联聚合物体系成胶性能评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2013, 42(4): 392-397.
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模拟双河油田95℃高温油藏条件,评价研究了交联聚合物驱油体系的成胶性能、耐温抗盐性能和长期热稳定性,分析了影响驱油体系成胶性能的主要因素。结果 表明,研制的交联聚合物体系耐温抗盐性能好,耐温105 ℃,抗盐100 000 mg/L;在95 ℃高温下老化180天,成胶黏度保持稳定。优化了交联聚合物体系配方,形成了高度、中度和低度交联聚合物系列配方,为高温油藏化学驱提高采收率提供了新型驱油体系。 
关键词:  聚合物  交联剂  聚交比  黏度  耐温抗盐  热稳定性 
Evaluation of gelling properties and formula optimization of temperature and salt resistance cross-linking polymer system
Tang Jinxing, Hai Yuzi, Sheng Haiyan, Luo Jiuming, Huang Haiquan
(Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Henan Oilfield Company, Sinopec, Nanyang 473132, Henan,China)
Simulated the reservoir conditions with high temperature of 95℃ in Shuanghe oil field, properties of gelling, temperature and salt tolerance, and long-term thermal stability of cross-linking polymer systems were evaluated,and main factors impacting on gelling properties were analyzed. The experimental results showed the cross-linking polymer systems have excellent temperature resistance of 105℃ and salt tolerance of 100 000 mg/L salinity, as well as long-term thermal stability after aging 180 days at 95℃. A line of formulations including highly cross-linked, moderate and low cross-linking systems were optimized for different oilfield applications, which provide new flooding systems for enhancing oil recovery of high temperature reservoirs.
Key words:  polymer  cross-linker  ratio of polymer and cross-linker  viscosity  elevated temperature  temperature and salt tolerance  thermal stability