引用本文:田士章,陈帅,杨波. 液化天然气及天然气物性计算软件设计[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(3): 254-261.
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田士章1, 陈帅1, 杨波2
液化天然气(LNG)及天然气(NG)物性计算是LNG接收站生产、运行的基础。虽然国外已有很多商业软件可以计算其物性,但大多价格昂贵且应用复杂。因此,以BWRS方程为理论基础,在Forcecontrol V7.0平台上设计出一款应用简单,且能够满足LNG接收站需求的物性计算软件。通过将大连LNG接收站实际运行数据及Aspen Plus计算数据与此软件计算数据进行对比,得到一些典型物性的相对误差;同时,通过实例计算以验证其可靠性。结果 表明,该软件能较为准确地计算LNG及NG物性,并且能很好地满足LNG接收站物性计算的需求。 
关键词:  液化天然气  天然气  LNG接收站  物性计算  BWRS方程  Forcecontrol V7.0计算软件 
Design of liquefied natural gas and natural gas properties calculation software
Tian Shizhang1, Chen Shuai1, Yang Bo2
1.PetroChina Dalian Liquefied Natural Gas Company Limited,Dalian 116600,Liaoning, China;2.Guangdong Natural Gas Co., Ltd, CNOOC, Zhuhai 519015, Guangdong, China
The production and operation of LNG terminal are based on liquefied natural gas (LNG) and natural gas (NG) properties calculation. Although there are many foreign commercial softwares which can calculate the properties, most of them are expensive and complex. Therefore, BWRS equation as the theoretical basis, the properties calculation software is designed based on the Forcecontrol V7.0 software platform which is simple and can meet the needs of LNG Terminal. By comparing the data of the actual operation in Dalian LNG Terminal, calculated data by Aspen Plus and by this software, relative errors about some typical properties have been received. Meanwhile, the reliability of the calculation has been verified with some examples. Results show that the software can provide fairly accurate calculation results of LNG and NG properties and can well meet the properties calculation needs of LNG Terminal.
Key words:  liquefied natural gas  natural gas  LNG Terminal  properties calculation  BWRS equation  Forcecontrol V7.0  calculation software