引用本文:李均方,张瑞春,夏功科,刘盛鹏,干卓凡,谢仲海. 原料天然气组分变化对LNG装置的影响及对策[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(3): 262-265.
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李均方1, 张瑞春1, 夏功科2, 刘盛鹏1, 干卓凡1, 谢仲海1
介绍了广安LNG装置运行中,因原料天然气组分变化大而出现的重烃低温堵塞和乙烷适应性问题,阐述了现场现象,分析了问题原因,论述了解决方案和应用效果。现场采取调整工艺参数,增加活性炭吸附脱除重烃等措施后,装置运行正常。认为原料气组分对LNG装置运行具有很大的影响,作好新建LNG装置原料天然气组分的检测和组分变化的分析预测十分重要。 
关键词:  天然气组分  重烃低温堵塞  乙烷适应性 
Influence of feed gas components change on LNG plant and countermeasures
Li Junfang1, Zhang Ruichun1, Xia Gongke2, Liu Shengpeng1, Gan Zhuofan1, Xie Zhonghai1
1.Chengdu Natural Gas Chemical Works, PetroChina Southwest Oil ﹠ Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, Sichuan, China;2.CNGC Guang’an Natural Gas Co.,Ltd, Guang’an 638000, Sichuan,China
This paper introduced the operation problems of Guang’an LNG plant due to the components change of feed gas, which included heavy hydrocarbon blocking at low temperature and ethane adaptability. The phenomenon and reason of the problem were analyzed, and the solution and application effect were discussed. After adjusting the process parameters and adding activated carbon to remove heavy hydrocarbon, the plant ran steady. The components of the feed gas has great effect on the operation of LNG plant. Therefore, the analysis and forecast of feed gas components change are very important to new LNG plant.
Key words:  components of natural gas  heavy hydrocarbon blocked due to low temperature  ethane adaptability