引用本文:何飞,陈琦,王辉,丘逢春. 组合涡轮气体流量标准装置计量性能测试与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(4): 442-447.
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何飞1, 陈琦1,2, 王辉1,2, 丘逢春1,2
介绍了国家石油天然气大流量计量站成都分站新建的组合涡轮气体流量标准装置,包括其工艺流程、计量性能测试要求及测试结果。该标准装置可用于天然气流量计实流检定,保证现场天然气贸易计量的准确性和可靠性。通过分析测试数据,证实该标准测量结果不确定度优于0.33%,测量结果的重复性、稳定性均满足气体流量工作计量器具的检定要求。 
关键词:  涡轮  气体流量标准装置  实流检定  重复性  稳定性  复现性 
Metering performance testing and application of gas flow standard facilities based on combined turbine flow meters
He Fei1, Chen Qi1,2, Wang Hui1,2, Qiu Fengchun1,2
1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213,Sichuan, China;2.Chengdu Verification Branch of National Oil and Gas Large Flow Rate Measurement Station,Chengdu 610213,Sichuan, China
This paper introduces a set of gas flow standard facilities based on combined turbine flow meters, which is newly built by Chengdu Verification Branch of National Oil and Gas Large Flow Rate Measurement Station, including the process of the standard facilities, testing requirements and results of the metering performance. The standard facilities are used for actual flow verification of the natural gas flow meter and guaranteeing the accuracy and reliability of onsite trade measurement of natural gas. By analyzing the testing data, it has confirmed that the uncertainty of standard test results is better than 0.33%. Both the repeatability and stability of test results meet the verification requirements for gas flow measuring instruments.
Key words:  turbine  gas flow standard facilities  actual gas flow verification  repeatability  stability  reproducibility