引用本文:陈华兵,李洪兴,万伟,干建华,叶长文,曹望春. 浅谈碘量法测定钻井液中H2S含量在现场的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(4): 448-451.
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陈华兵1, 李洪兴1, 万伟2, 干建华1, 叶长文1, 曹望春1
针对以酸性气田为主的四川地区,研究如何在该地区钻井过程中准确测定钻井液中的H2S含量,通过何种技术手段去除钻井液中的H2S,以防止其对钻井作业的影响已逐渐成为四川气田勘探开发的一个重要课题。简述了钻井液中H2S来源、存在状态及其危害,详细介绍了碘量法测H2S的方法步骤,并对该方法中试液加入量的影响进行了研究。同时,将其实际运用于四川地区的多口井中,总结出现场碘量法测H2S的注意事项,对碘量法测定现场钻井液中的H2S具有十分重要的意义。 
关键词:  碘量法  H2S  四川  现场应用 
Field application of testing H2S in drilling fluid by iodometric method
Chen Huabing1, Li Hongxing1, Wan Wei2, Gan Jianhua1, Ye Changwen1, Cao Wangchun1
1.Chuanxi Drilling Company of CCDE, Chengdu 510500, Sichuan, China;2.Drilling Fluid Company of CCDE, Chengdu 510500, Sichuan, China
According to the acid gas field of Sichuan area, an important project of Sichuan gas field exploration and development is that how to determine hydrogen sulfide content accurately in the drilling fluids during the drilling process in the region, and by which means to remove hydrogen sulfide from drilling fluids so as to prevent its effect on the drilling operation. This paper describes the source,existing state and harms of hydrogen sulfide in drilling fluids, introduces a method of measuring hydrogen sulfide by iodometric method, and studies the influence of the adding amount of test solution. At the same time, this method has been used in several wells in Sichuan area, and the attentions of testing hydrogen sulfide by iodometric method have been summed up, which has very important meanings for the determination of hydrogen sulfide in drilling fluid.
Key words:  iodometric method  hydrogen sulfide  Sichuan  field application