引用本文:许江,孔祥冰,田亮,景媛媛,穆珍珍,宋帮勇,等. 共裂解提高石脑油裂解丁二烯收率研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2014, 43(6): 611-614.
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许江, 孔祥冰, 田亮, 景媛媛, 穆珍珍, 宋帮勇, 杨利斌
开展了一系列石脑油与甲基环己烷共裂解试验,对比分析了不同比例、不同温度下产物收率的变化。结果 表明:与石脑油单独裂解相比,共裂解乙烯收率降低,丁二烯收率大幅度提高。在相对较高的温度下进行共裂解,可得到高收率丁二烯,同时,乙烯收率降幅较小。石脑油与甲基环己烷共裂解优化了裂解气相产物分布,提高了产物的综合附加值,可完全依托现有乙烯裂解装置和后分离系统多产丁二烯,可行度高且节省投资,装置操作平稳,可满足工业化生产的要求。
关键词:  共裂解  丁二烯  石脑油  甲基环己烷  乙烯 
To improve the yield of naphtha pyrolysis butadiene by co-pyrolysis
Xu Jiang, Kong Xiangbing, Tian Liang, Jing Yuanyuan, Mu Zhenzhen, Song Bangyong, Yang Libin
Lanzhou Petrochemical Research Center of PetroChina, LanZhou 730060, Gansu, China
A series of co-pyrolysis tests of naphtha and methyl cyclohexane were carried out to study the products yield changes in pyrolysis of different proportions and at different temperatures. The result showed that comparing with the naphtha pyrolysis alone, the yield of co-pyrolysis ethylene decreased while the yield of butadiene substantially increased. Relatively high temperatures are benefit for high butadiene yield while smaller drop of ethylene yield. The co-pyrolysis of naphtha and methyl cyclohexane can optimize the pyrolysis gas product distribution and improve the comprehensive added value of products. It can fully rely on existing ethylene pyrolysis unit and subsequent separation system. Meanwhile, co-pyrolysis has the advantages of high feasibility, lower investment and stable operation, which can meet the requirements of industrial production.
Key words:  co-pyrolysis  butadiene  naphtha  methyl cyclohexane  ethylene