引用本文:马国光,董文浩,马俊杰,温馨,许培林,曹迪. 凝析气田外输气烃露点控制方法研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(3): 19-22.
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凝析气田普遍为高压气田,处理厂采用传统的节流阀制冷控制外输气烃露点工艺,在气田开发后期出现不适应性现象。为了进一步提高处理工艺对气田开发的适应性,提出了用透平膨胀机代替节流阀制冷以控制烃露点的工艺。通过对节流阀制冷脱烃工艺和透平膨胀机制冷脱烃工艺的对比分析认为,透平膨胀机低温脱烃工艺不仅能降低集输压力,延迟工艺调整的时间,而且降低了工程建设投资及能耗,具有较强的适应性,可为其他凝析气田处理工艺设计提供新的思路。 
关键词:  凝析气  节流阀制冷  透平膨胀机  烃露点 
Research on hydrocarbon dew point control method of output gas in condensate gas field
Ma Guoguang1, Dong Wenhao1, Ma Junjie2, Wen Xin1, Xu Peilin1, Cao Di1
(1.State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;2. CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co. Ltd., Chengdu 610051, China)
Most of condensate gas fields are high-pressure gas field. Traditional throttle refrigeration de-hydrocarbon process shows inadaptability during the later period of gas field development. In order to improve the adaptability of treatment process, the scheme of replacing the throttle with turbine expander was proposed to control hydrocarbon dew point. By the comparison and analysis of the two processes,it was concluded that the expansion turbine low temperature de-hydrocarbon process could not only reduce the gathering pressure and delay process modification time,but also lower the engineering investment and energy consumption. Therefore, it provides a new idea for process design of the condensate gas field.
Key words:  condensate gas  throttle refrigeration  turbo expander  hydrocarbon dew point