引用本文:刘文君,余姣,马向伟,龚树鹏. 影响硫磺回收装置长周期运行因素分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(1): 27-33.
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独山子石化公司5×104 t/a硫磺回收装置自2009年开工以来,先后遇到汽提塔塔顶空冷器至回流罐管线弯头腐蚀泄漏、空冷管束偏流发生冻凝泄漏、液硫夹套管内漏、急冷水线和酸性水线泄漏腐蚀、尾气炉熄火、酸气带烃等一系列影响正常生产的问题。针对每一项问题做出了应对,并制定了防范措施。通过对各类问题发生的机理及对装置造成的影响进行分析,确定了腐蚀泄漏问题是影响硫磺回收装置长周期运行的最主要因素,防止设备和管线的非正常腐蚀是保证装置长周期运行重要措施。 
关键词:  硫磺回收  腐蚀  泄漏  酸性水 
Analysis of influencing factors on long period operation of sulfur recovery unit
Liu Wenjun, Yu Jiao, Ma Xiangwei, Gong Shupeng
Oil Refinery of PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company, Dushanzi, Xinjiang, China
A series of problems have cropped up in Dushanzi Petrochemical Company 50 kt/a sulfur recovery unit since the startup in 2009, which including the corrosion of stripper air cooler outlet pipe, the corrosion and leakage of air cooler, liquid sulfur jacket pipe, acid water pipe and cooling water pipe line, the flameout of tail gas incinerator, and the hydrocarbon-bearing in the acid gas, etc. The preventive measures aiming at above problems were developed. Through the analysis of the mechanism of all kinds of problems and the impact on the device, it was concluded that corrosion leakage was the most important factor which affected the long period operation of sulfur recovery unit, and preventing non-normal corrosion of the equipment and pipeline was the most important measure to ensure long term operation.
Key words:  sulfur recovery  corrosion  leakage  acidic water