引用本文:韩本利,李甲亮,周春海,王杰,田晨,王桂祥. 基于流态改进的仓式微电解反应器处理油田废水研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(5): 100-105.
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1.滨州市环境保护局;2.滨州学院生物与环境工程学院 ;3.青岛科技大学环境与安全工程学院
针对传统型Fe-C微电解反应器(1#)易堵塞、易短流的缺点,设计了改进型仓式微电解反应器(2#),并比较了两种反应器对胜利油田某采油厂废水的处理效果。结果 表明,在pH值为 4、进水流速为0.2 m/s、反应区高度为40 cm、进水COD值为480 mg/L的条件下,2#和1#最佳反应时间分别为30 min和60 min,COD去除率分别为86%和70%,浊度去除率分别为98.4%和94%。2#反应器通过改善流态,增大了废水与电解质材料的接触面积,缩短了水力停留时间,提高了COD和浊度的去除率。某油田的中试结果表明,2#反应器对高浓措施废液悬浮物、黏度、总铁、总硬度平均去除率分别为38.78%~42.31%、12.54%~32.38%、69.23%~71.17%和37.29%~61.76%,较改进前均有较大提高,处理后水质达到该油田采出水回注技术指标要求。
关键词:  油田废水  流态改进  仓式微电解反应器  中试
Research on a honeycombed micro-electrolysis reactor based on flow improvement and its application in oil field wastewater treatment
Han Benli1, Li Jialiang2, Zhou Chunhai2, Wang Jie2, Tian Chen2, Wang Guixiang3
1. Binzhou Environmental Protection Agency, Binzhou, Shandong, China;2. College of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Binzhou University, Binzhou , Shandong, China;3. College of Environment and Safety Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong, China
Aiming at the shortcome of traditional Fe-C micro-electrolysis reactor (1#), which was easy to be blocked and short-circuiting current, an improved honeycombed micro-electrolysis reactor (2#) was designed. The effects of two kinds of reactors on the wastewater treatment from an oil production plant in Shengli Oilfield were compared. The results showed that:under the conditions of pH 4, inlet velocity 0.2 m/s, reaction height 40 cm, and influent COD 480 mg/L, the 2# and 1# reactors’ reaction time were 30 min and 60 min, the removal rate of COD were 86% and 70%, and the turbidity removal rate were 98.4% and 94% respectively. It can be seen that the improved flow state of 2# reactor increased the contact area between wastewater and electrolytes, reduced the hydraulic retention time, and improved the removal rate of COD and turbidity. The pilot-scale application results in Changqing Oilfield showed that the average removal rate of suspension, viscosity, total iron and total hardness in 2# reactor for different concentration wastewaters were 38.78%-42.31%, 12.54%-32.38%, 69.23%-71.17% and 37.29%-61.76% respectively, which were greatly improved, compared with 1#, and the treated water could meet the technological indices set by the oilfield produced water reinjection regulation.
Key words:  oily wastewater  flow improvement  honeycombed micro-electrolysis reactor  pilot-scale application