引用本文:余传波,邓建梅. 油砂沥青减压渣油超临界萃取分馏窄馏分黏温规律的分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(5): 13-18.
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为了研究渣油馏分的黏温规律,在60~120 ℃范围内,考察了温度对窄馏分黏度的影响,窄馏分由加拿大油砂沥青减压渣油通过超临界萃取分馏制得。结果 表明:①随着馏分的分子量增大,其黏度快速增大;②随着温度的升高,重馏分的黏度下降速度比轻馏分快;③Arrhenius方程能描述窄馏分的黏温关系,流动活化能为61.06~98.42 kJ/mol,活化能随分子量增大而呈现上升趋势;④Andrade、Vogel和Walther黏温经验式佐证了Arrhenius模型的正确性。本研究对渣油的黏温规律和模型的理解具有一定的指导意义。 
关键词:  渣油  黏度  黏温规律  阿伦尼乌斯方程
Analysis on viscosity-temperature law of the narrow fractions from oil sand bitumen vacuum residue by supercritical fluid extraction and fractionation
Yu Chuanbo, Deng Jianmei
Chemistry and Biology Engineering College, Panzhihua University, Panzhihua, Sichuan, China
In order to explore the law of viscosity temperature of narrow fractions of vacuum residue, the effect of temperature on viscosity of narrow fractions, which were extracted from Canada vacuum residue by supercritical fluid extraction and fractionation, were investigated in range of 60-120 ℃. The results showed that:(1) The viscosity of narrow fractions increased rapidly with the increase of the molecular weight. (2) With the increase of temperature, the viscosity of heavy fractions decreased faster than that of light fractions. (3) The Arrhenius equation could describe the relationship between viscosity and temperature. The range of flow activation energy was 61.06-98.42 kJ/mol. The activation energy increased with the molecular weight. (4) Arrhenius model could be testified by the Andrade equation, Vogel equation and Walther equation. This study had certain guiding significance for understanding of the viscosity-temperature law and model of residue oil.
Key words:  residue oil  viscosity  viscosity-temperature law  Arrhenius equation