引用本文:韩加友,石振仓,黄利华. 臭氧氧化协同半干法同时脱硫脱硝在烧结机烟气工业的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(5): 19-23, 29.
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以70×104 m3/h烧结烟气为例,研究了工程实际应用中O3对烟气的氧化和半干法对NOx的吸收等问题。试验结果表明,O3与烟气中NO的反应速率快。O3氧化的关键因素是提高O3在烟道内的分布,增加O3的利用率。温度对半干法吸收NOx有显著影响。随着脱硫塔温度的升高,NOx的吸收效率持续降低,当温度高于95 ℃时,脱硝效率为0。通过增加消石灰量和增加O3用量可提高脱硝效率。从工艺运行情况来看,该工艺脱硝成本不高,值得进一步推广应用。 
关键词:  臭氧氧化  半干法  脱硝  脱硫
Application study on simultaneous removal of NOx and SO2 by ozonation combined with semi-dry process in sintering machine flue gas industry
Han Jiayou1, Shi Zhencang1, Huang Lihua2
1. Shanghai Meishan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Nanjing, Jiangsu, China;2. Institute of Environment and Resource of Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang, Sichuan, China
Taking 700×103 m3/h sintering flue gas as an example, the ozone oxidation and absorption of NOx by semi-dry method in practical engineering application was studied. The results showed that the reaction of ozone and NO in flue gas was very fast. The key factor of ozonation was to improve the distribution of ozone in flue and increase the utilization rate of ozone. The reaction temperature had significant effect on the absorption of NOx. With the increase of temperature in desulfurization tower, the absorption efficiency of NOx decreased continuously. When the temperature was higher than 95 ℃, the denitration efficiency was dropped to 0. However,the denitration efficiency could be improved by increasing the amount of lime and ozone. From the operation of the process, the cost of denitration was not high. The process is worthy to be popularized and applied.
Key words:  ozonation  semi-dry process  denitration  desulfurization