引用本文:杨洋,陈奇,李治鹏,谷卓然,叶世贵,李长春. 三甘醇脱水技术在元坝气田净化装置中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(1): 9-14, 19.
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1.中石化广元天然气净化有限公司 ;2.中核四川环保工程有限责任公司
针对水摩尔分数约为0.09%、体积流量为9.6×104~10.6×104 m3/h的湿净化气,三甘醇(TEG)循环量为2.50~2.85 t/h,外输产品气水露点在-19 ℃以下,满足水露点要求。当TEG重沸器蒸汽用量为529~549 kg/h时,再生后TEG质量分数从96.9%升至99.7%。为了避免TEG再生热源不稳定、贫溶剂后冷管式换热器结垢严重等工艺缺陷,对脱水工艺进行了优化:①以自产表压为3.8 MPa的中压蒸汽为热源,确保TEG再生温度稳定,并使其易于调节,拟合蒸汽用量与TEG重沸器温度关系曲线;②采用富TEG未预热直接闪蒸工艺,减少富液预热过程,去除富TEG中大部分轻烃组分,在满足脱水单元要求的同时,减小能耗和节约成本;③将TEG贫液后冷器由管壳式换热器更换为不锈钢材质的波纹板式换热器,更换后换热器长时间运行平稳,减少了换热器配件的更换频次。
关键词:  三甘醇  脱水  蒸汽  闪蒸  优化  换热器
Application of triglycol dehydration technology in Yuanba gas field purification unit
Yang Yang1, Chen Qi2, Li Zhipeng1, Gu Zhuoran1, Ye Shigui1, Li Changchun1
1. Sinopec Guangyuan Natural Gas Purification Co., Ltd, Guangyuan, Sichuan, China;2. China Nuclear Sichuan Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd., Guangyuan, Sichuan, China
According to the wet purified gas with a water molar fraction about 0.09% and the volume flow between 96×103 m3 and 106×103 m3, the TEG circulation rate is between 2.50 t/h and 2.85 t/h, and the water dew point of the exported product gas is below -19 ℃, which meets the water dew point requirements. When the steam consumption of TEG reboiler was between 529 kg/h and 549 kg/h, the TEG mass fraction increased from 96.9% to 99.7% after regeneration. In order to avoid the process defects such as unstable TEG regenerative heat source, serious scaling of poor solvent post-cooled tube heat exchanger, the dehydration process was optimized:(1) The self-produced 3.8 MPa medium-pressure steam was used as heat source to ensure stable TEG regeneration temperature and make it easy to adjust. The relation curve between the steam consumption and TEG reboiler temperature was fitted to provide a reference for adjustment. (2) The direct flash process without preheating of rich TEG was adopted to reduce the preheating process of rich liquid and remove most of light hydrocarbon components in rich TEG, so as to reduce energy consumption and cost while meeting the requirements of dehydration unit. (3)The TEG lean liquid after-cooler from shell and tube heat exchanger was replaced to corrugated plate heat exchanger made of stainless steel. The heat exchanger ran smoothly for a long time and the replacement frequency of heat exchanger accessories reduced.
Key words:  triglycol  dehydration  steam  flash evaporation  optimization  heat exchanger