引用本文:夏林,曾强,许佳乐,黎娜. 忠县天然气净化厂低负荷下公用辅助装置优化运行研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(2): 115-119, 126.
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近年来,随着西南油气田川东地区天然气开采进入中后期,作为天然气处理过程中关键环节的天然气净化厂原料气处理量逐年下降,装置在低负荷工况下公用工程消耗量大、能耗高。通过对忠县天然气净化厂低负荷工况下公用辅助装置的运行情况分析,从优化工艺方案、采用先进节能设备、调整现场操作、总结生产运行管理经验等方面,提出了改进措施,并详细阐述了公用辅助装置优化运行举措,充分挖掘了忠县天然气净化厂节能潜力,创造了良好的经济效益和环保效益。 
关键词:  低负荷  公用辅助装置  优化措施  节能
Study on optimal operation of public auxiliary device under low load in Zhongxian Natural Gas Purification Plant
Xia Lin, Zeng Qiang, Xu Jiale, Li Na
Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing, China
In recent years, with the exploitation of natural gas in the eastern Sichuan area of southwest oil and gas field entering the later stage, the treatment capacity of feed gas of natural gas purification plant, which is the key link in the process of natural gas treatment, has been decreasing year by year. Under the condition of low load, the utility consumption of the unit is large and the energy consumption is high. Based on the analysis of the operation of public auxiliary devices under low load condition in Zhongxian natural gas purification plant, the improvement measures are proposed from the aspects of optimizing process scheme, adopting advanced energy-saving equipment, adjusting on-site operation, summarizing production and operation management experience, etc., and the measures for optimizing the operation of public auxiliary devices are elaborated in detail, contributing to the fully excavation of the energy-saving potential of Zhongxian natural gas purification plant and good economic and environmental benefits.
Key words:  low load  public auxiliary devices  optimization measures  energy conservation