引用本文:许小云,李国冲,黄峰,孙杰. 抽余油改质生产高辛烷值汽油技术的工业应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(6): 28-33.
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目的 采用抽余油改质技术提高装置抽余油应用的经济效益。方法 通过对比分析抽余油改质技术和C5/C6异构化技术,结合实际生产运行数据,对抽余油改质技术的工业应用进行了探讨。结果 生产的改质汽油辛烷值比抽余油辛烷值提高了9~10个单位,实现了可观的经济效益;同时,经过改质反应后,抽余油中烯烃含量降低,从而有效降低了汽油调合池中烯烃含量,为全厂生产高标号汽油创造了有利条件。结论 抽余油改质技术流程简单,投资少,安全性高,具有良好的经济效益和广阔的应用前景。 
关键词:  抽余油  改质反应  辛烷值
Industrial application of raffinate oil upgrading technology for producing high-RON gasoline
Xu Xiaoyun, Li Guochong, Huang Feng, Sun Jie
PetroChina Guangxi Petrochemical Company, Qinzhou, Guangxi, China
Objective Improve the economic benefits of raffinate oil application by using raffinate oil upgrading technology. Methods By comparative analysis of raffinate oil upgrading technology and C5/C6 isomerization technology, combined with actual production and operation data, the industrial application of raffinate oil upgrading technology was discussed. Results The RON of produced modified gasoline is 9 to 10 units higher than that of the raffinate oil, which created considerable economic benefits. At the same time, after the modification reaction, the olefins content in the raffinate oil reduced, which effectively reduced the olefin content in the gasoline blending pool and created favorable conditions to produce high-grade gasoline for the entire plant. Conclusion sThe flow of raffinate oil modification technology is simple, the investment is small, and the safety is high. Therefore, it has good economic benefits and broad application prospects.
Key words:  raffinate oil  modification reaction  RON