引用本文:韩龙年,陈新国,辛靖,杨国明,陈禹霏,范文轩,等. 催化柴油增值化、高值化利用工业应用技术发展现状及分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(6): 34-40.
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针对催化柴油的加工现状,从催化柴油的性质入手,从工艺流程、技术原理、工业应用情况等方面对国内外催化柴油增值化、高值化利用技术进行了系统的综述,重点介绍了工业装置的运行情况。从实际应用的角度分析,催化柴油的增值化、高值化利用应充分借鉴分子炼油理念及加工原则,根据不同工艺的特点选择性地保留理想组分,高效转化非理想组分,或将理想/非理想组分高效分离后进行高效转化。未来,催化柴油的增值化、高值化利用技术仍应充分结合催化材料、反应工程、传质工程等方面的创新发展,如高活性催化材料与过程强化传质的协同、高附加值新产品的开发等,通过技术融合等实现持续突破。 
关键词:  催化柴油  增值化  高值化  工业应用技术
Development status and analysis of industrial application technology for value-added and high-value utilization of catalytic diesel oil
Han Longnian, Chen Xinguo, Xin Jing, Yang Guoming, Chen Yufei, Fan Wenxuan, Zhang Haihong, Zhu Yuanbao
CNOOC Institute of Chemicals and Advanced Materials, Beijing, China
In view of the processing status of catalytic diesel oil, this paper systematically reviewed the value-added and high-value utilization technology of catalytic diesel oil in the domestic and overseas based on process flow, technical principle, industrial application and so on, and the operation of industrial units were highlighted. From the perspective of practical application, the concept and processing principle of molecular refining should be fully adopted for the value-added and high-value utilization of catalytic diesel oil. According to the characteristics of different processes, the ideal components should be selectively retained and the non-ideal components would be efficiently transformed, or the ideal and non-ideal components should be efficiently separated and transformed. In the future, the value-added and high-value utilization technology of catalytic diesel oil should be fully combined with the innovative development of catalytic materials, reaction engineering, mass transfer engineering and other aspects, such as the coordination of high activity catalytic materials and process enhanced mass transfer, and the development of new products with high-added value, which will achieve continuous breakthroughs through technological integration.
Key words:  catalytic diesel oil  value-added  high-value  industrial application technology