引用本文:蔡烈奎,裴晓光,杨文中,徐岩峰,李娜,毛清国. 环烷基减压渣油组合工艺[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2024, 53(3): 14-18, 25.
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目的实现中海油环烷基减压渣油的高值化利用。 方法以中海油环烷基减压渣油为原料,对比直接焦化工艺与溶剂脱沥青-高压加氢-焦化组合工艺的产品分布和经济效益。组合工艺首先采用丙烷为溶剂对减压渣油进行溶剂脱沥青,将减压渣油分为轻脱沥青油和脱油沥青,轻脱沥青油采用三段高压加氢工艺生产150BS光亮油产品,脱油沥青产品采用焦化工艺生产石油焦和其他石油馏分。 结果相比直接焦化工艺,采用组合工艺使液体产品总收率提高2.67个百分点,简要经济核算结果表明组合工艺盈利更多。 结论采用组合工艺可以实现减压渣油的高值化利用,同时提高了液体产品总收率。 
关键词:  环烷基  减压渣油  高值化利用  溶剂脱沥青  高压加氢  焦化 
The combined process of cycloalkyl vacuum residue
CAI Liekui1, PEI Xiaoguang1,YANG Wenzhong1, XU Yanfeng1, LI Na1, MAO Qingguo2
1. CNOOC Institute of Chemicals and Advanced Materials, Beijing, China;2. Liaoning Bora Bio-Energy Co,Ltd. Jinzhou, Liaoning, China
ObjectiveThe aim is to realize the high-value utilization of CNOOC cycloalkyl vacuum residue. Methods Using the cycloalkyl vacuum residue of CNOOC as raw material, the product distribution and economic benefits of the direct coking process and solvent deasphalting-high pressure hydrogenation-coking combined process were compared. The combined process first used propane as the solvent to perform solvent deasphalting on vacuum residue, which was divided into light deasphalted oil and deoiled asphalt. The light deasphalted oil used a three-stage high-pressure hydrogenation process to produce 150BS bright oil products, and the deoiled asphalt products used a coking process to produce petroleum coke and other petroleum fractions. ResultsCompared to the direct coking process, the total yield of the liquid product using the combined process was increased by 2.67 percentage points, and the brief economic calculation revealed that the combined process resulted in greater profitability. ConclusionsAfter adopting the combined process, the high-value utilization of vacuum residue can be achieved, and the total yield of liquid products can be increased.
Key words:  cycloalkyl  vacuum residue  high-value utilization  solvent deasphalting  high pressure hydrogenation  coking